Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm new forgive my lack of blogging...Short, Sweet DIY to make up for it!

*****DIY Printed Pillow with Art Links*****

Who needs front porch pillow's?! Me....really, we don't ever sit on the front porch because we live on a corner (traffic) and can't see the kids playing so I usually sit on the step at the end or the walk way :) maybe I will make a "step" pillow next. But with the sun shining and plants being planted I felt our dingy little chairs needed some here it goes!

The cost to me NADA...I have a lot of crap...oops I mean craft stuff :O

The cost to you cheap, cheap, cheap assuming you have a functioning printer or a friend with one...and a sewing machine.


Drop cloth or plain fabric of your choice (I have a ton of drop cloth I attempted to sew a chair cover, it got SCRAPPED!)
Iron on transfer paper
Stuffing (I reused some from old pillow's) I hold onto pillows for the very purpose of re-purposing
sewing machine and supplies

Stay with me it's EASY I promise:

1: Cut 2 squares per pillow 15x15
2: Sew right sides together leaving a 4 inch gap along the bottom center
3: Trim corner's and turn right side out and press
4: Print keep calm freebie and summer freebie onto your iron transfer paper.
5: Trim iron transfer, center on front of pillow make sure hole is on the bottom
6: Iron on per manufacture's direction(my keep calm had an iron incident :O)
7: Stuff and sew hole shut(I HATE hand sewing so I ran it under my machine...not as easy as it sounds stuffed full!)
8: Enjoy...sorry no pic's this was purely an after thought!

More great DIY ideas and CHEAP coming soon....This momma's on a BUDGET!

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